Grinning from ear to ear, and with all the pomp and circumstance of a royal coronation, the Tsar of Sawdust slowly revealed his brand spanking new bridge busting machine. It was a beauty, brightly outfitted in gleaming chrome and yellow Tremclad. And best of all, it was rated for about 4000 lbs. "They'll never outdo this baby!", screamed the Deacon of Destruction as he downed a carton of donuts.
Sixty-five came forward and sixty-five fell, but when the final whistle sounded, new load and performance records had been achieved by the top three finishers in Popsicle VIII. The Prince of Pop gleefully went about his work at Common Hour on Wednesday, March 22. However, by the end of the contest, he was a frothing bundle of nervous energy.
Bridge Image | ![]() |
Winners Name | Randall Van Rooyen, 2CV14 |
Bridge Weight | 0.521 lbs. (236 g) |
Load at Failure | 2091 lbs. (9301 N) |
Performance Rating: | 4017 lb./lb. (39,445 N/kg.) |
Randall had broken the elusive 2000 lb. load barrier with a tremendous effort. "We're talking about carrying a small car here!", boasted Professor Olynyk. "And all we're using is Popsicle sticks, Lepages glue, and some knowledge about how structures behave. How's that for learning!"
Incredibly, Rob Maxwell, Randall's classmate, came second with a Performance rating of 4014 lbs./lb. Only three points behind the winner! Had Rob sanded his bridge for another 30 seconds he most surely would have won. Rob would be back!
Click the link for the entire results of 1995.